Quantum Consulting
HerzEnergy Quantum Empowerment
We align forward thinking People in Organisations to form a coherent, mission driven Team, that executes Goals and realises a strong, united Vision.

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Do you have an energy bodyguard for the social and economic world?
You feel the wish to contribute to the world with your offer and your passion? As a visionary entrepreneur, you may know the challenges that other successful clients of us experience again and again. They work hard, and yet sometimes there are invisible obstacles that block the success they long for. They often feel that important things like family, friends and hobbies get neglected. Especially hard-working people sometimes suffer from time pressure, stress and insufficient life energy. After some time, they ask themselves how they could get ahead more easily and what possibilities there are, to go their way faster and happier?

No matter if you are already ultra successful or have not yet started out, you will agree, that life is so much easier, whenever you are working in flow. Eliminating unconscious success blockers and developing a cristal clear goal strategy are vital focus points. There are innovative solutions for this in the quantum technology available today.

We've found a way to bio hack your energy signature with daily frequency updates in alignment with your success goals. This creates the following advantages for you and your team, by raising the individual and collective consciousness level:

✦ You safe around 60 to 80% of your time
✦ Increased profit and revenue
✦ You feel certainty about your success
✦ Have greater clarity over your own life
✦ Strengthened security and trust in yourself
✦ Increased intuition
✦ Stronger self esteem
✦ Fast personal skills and potential development
✦ Fast reaching of your own goals and visions

Organisations, just as people, can be hold back by sabotaging programs or negative patterns that block success ||∿.
How do you find those negative energies and charges, and how can you get rid of them easy and forever?

Receiving HerzEnergy for you and your business is the fastest and most effective method for happiness, health and financial freedom.
The Difference of Quantum Consulting

Our HerzEnergy Consulting Services

True Clarity over Your Life Path
By reconnecting you with your soul plan, you will feel complete certainty and clarity over your path in life. This makes you magnetic to likeminded people. Feel in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, with the right people, all the time.
Strategy Goals
Tune into the electromagnetic frequency of your goals in order to manifest them at quantum speed. We use technology to apply a multiplication of the law of attraction on autopilot to co-create your desired, new reality.
Eliminating Success Blockers
By initiating your quantum empowerment, all circumstances, fears, blockers and people that hinder you on your way to ultimate success, leave your energy field. You experience a smooth and joyful transition into your new life chapter.
Business Vision Alignment
A strong, compelling long term vision lived by everyone in your team makes your offer irresistible, and your mission stand out on the market. By creating a coherent group consciousness field, everyone is co-creating, aligned with your personal business vision.
Inspiring Business Mission
We accelerate your awakening through quantum technology and it's possibility to connect consciously with the information field. Your company purpose needs to be authentic, strong and compelling, this opens the right path and connections.
Value and Principles Reinforcement
Our company values define how we want to reach our mission and vision, and are important to be understood and integrated by your whole team. We put them in writing and apply quantum power to align your team with your ideals.
Project Support
For especially important projects like product launches, presentations or negotiations, we activate special frequency support for you during the length of the project. Focus on your part and trust the universe works always magically in your favour.
Decision Making
In business you have to be able to execute decisions fast and often. This can be trained like a muscle, but the process can also be supported by analysing possible options in the quantum field. We find out which path you are already more in resonance with.
Supercharge Meetings & Events
You are an organiser and want your events to be well attended and create lasting transformation for participants? Use our quantum supercharging services, to attract the right audience and transmit your message by tuning them to receiving frequencies.
What we Do

Consciousness Upgrade

Quantum consulting is an emerging field, that applies the principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics to traditional consulting practices. It emphasises an interconnected view of our world, that takes into account the unique power of information, energy, frequency and vibration.

We leverage advanced TimeWaver quantum technology to analyse and interpret an individual and organisation's energy field. It helps us quickly identify imbalances and success blockers ||∿ and recommend specific strategies or lifestyle changes to optimise your energy flow. After the initial setup, a bio photon generator will send electrons and photons programmed for your success into the information field on a daily basis. Only until you go fully in resonance with the desired outcome, it can manifest in our 3D world.

Neuro-Energetic Programming (NEP) explores the relationship between how you think (neuro), at which frequency you vibrate (energetic), and your patterns of behaviour and emotions (programming). Your upgraded consciousness fosters improvement of your reality creation skills and ongoing personal development.

Using the combined power of quantum technology, NEP, QiGong and traditional ontological life coaching we bridge the gap between the ethereal and the technological world. Our consultants can help you and your organisation understand and leverage the power of the information field to achieve your goals joyful, fast and with ease.

As technology continues to advance and our understanding of the universe expands, we know that quantum consulting is becoming an increasingly important tool for individuals and organisations looking to optimise their health, wealth, and relationships. Raising your energy frequency comes with the pleasant side effect of improved health, mental clarity and better performance.

Why you'd want to be in our energy field?
Learn more about our vision of co-creating a conscious, improved version of the modern, sustainable human being inhabiting a technologically advanced New Earth.
✦ About Us ✦